About me

I'm a freelance web developer focused on static site generators, accessibility, and performance.

What I Do #

I'm a web developer and designer based in Barcelona, Spain. I work remotely with clients large and small from all over the world, helping them create amazing experiences for their website visitors.

I specialise in building fast and scalable websites and Headless e-commerce applications using Jamstack or microservices-style architecture. I help clients to optimise their website and product performance, remove redundancy, streamline processes, and basically to boost their bottom line.

I'm also an open source contributor who likes to share stuff.

Core Skills #

I am adaptable to any project and a fast learner, but my core competences are as follows:-

  • Concept & consulting
  • Product UI/UX design
  • Web application development
  • Static site generators
  • Jamstack / Headless / Composable
  • CMS (Content Management Systems)
  • Serverless & edge
  • API design & development
  • CI/CD workflows
  • E-commerce & payments
  • Wireframing & prototyping
  • Accessibility testing and design
  • Performance optimisation

Technology & Tools #

I use an extensive set of technologies and tools in my day-to-day work. Here is pretty much what I currently use:-

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript/Node, TypeScript/Deno
  • Eleventy, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, NextJS
  • Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare, GCP
  • Sanity.io, Tina CMS, Decap CMS, Wordpress
  • PostgreSQL, DynamoDB
  • Algolia, Elasticsearch
  • VSCode, Git, GitHub Actions
  • Figma, Canva, Affinity Designer
  • Pa11y CLI, WAVE
  • Swagger, Postman
  • Lighthouse CLI, PageSpeed Insights
  • Circle CI, Travis CI, Jenkins

Experience #

I have nearly two decades of experience building for the web, working with clients large and small from a wide range of industries. I contribute to several open source projects related to the Jamstack and I am the maintainer of a number of popular starter projects for use with Eleventy and Jekyll static site generators.

Feel free to take a look at my GitHub profile.

When I have time, I like to write stuff for my blog.

About This Site #

This site was built using Eleventy v2.0.1 and is deployed to Netlify using a GitHub CI/CD workflow.

You can take a look at this site's humans.txt file for a list of the resources and inspiration that went into making this site.

The last production build was on: Mon, 20 May 2024 15:47:11 GMT